Appropriate Ways of Mastering English

Rusdiana Junaid


It cannot be denied that English skills are absolutely needed in globalisation era. This are needs person who is skillful in his/her field, who has communication quality skill, and who has social quality skill. Related to communication quality skill, someone has to master at least one foreign language, English. In order to master English well, someone has to pass through three steps, namely: Understanding, Memorizing, and Practising. Three things that should be understood
by the learners who want to master English are: vocabulary (its pronunciation, spelling, and meaning), grammar, and translation
. method. In order to be able to communicate well, someone has to memorize vocabularies and sentence patterns. The last step of
mastering .English is practicing. All the words that have been understood, and the vocabularies as well as sentence patterns that have been memorized should be practiced.

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Fowler, W. S. and J. Pidcock. 1990. Towards Synthesis. ~urrey: Thomas N..,llU1n ~nrl ~nno;, T_trl

Jones, L. and. Von B. 1992. Function of American English. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Keyfetz, J. L. and Michele E. F. S. ยท1992. Speaking Effectively. Heine & Heine Publishers, Boston.

Richards, J. C. and Theodore S. K 1992. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

Rivers, W. M. 1981. Teaching Foreign Language Skills. The University of Chicago, New York.

Sherman, T. M. 1984. Proven Strategies for successful Learning. Bell and Howell Company, Ohio.


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