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The aims of submission of Student Study Serviceof Public Productivity Learning are to give solution for partner group of micro entrepreneur of Milkfish without fish bone toward production and management aspect which become constraint in initiative of Milkfish without fish bone in Palopo city. The group partner’s problem is complicated enough. The total number of businessmanis relatively limited, while the number of demand is hig enough. It shows that there are some problems faced by the businessperson of Milkfish without fish bone to join this industry. The first problem is about mastery of techniquein pulling out the fish bone which really needs special technique.The problem in marketing is about the supplies of fresh milkfish are seasonal, so it causes possibility of inability to fulfill the demand (stock out). The other problem is durability of Milkfish without fish bone which is limited because of the use of packaging technology which is still manual, it is without using vacuum machine. The Milkfish without fish bone is 100% without preservatives, so it endures only 2 days in cold state (not freezing), and 6months in freezing state.The productivity of Student Study Service of Public Submission Learning which will be implemented is by using SLA (The Sustainable Livelihood Approach)Method which covers some steps, they are: preparation, implementation, and evaluation/monitoring. The product targetwhich will be produced from this KKN-PPM is the availability of skillful person in manufacturing the Milkfish without fish bone. The partner’s income significantly improves. The Milkfishwithout fish bone endures over 1 months which previously endures only 2 days and over 6 months in freezing state. The time period of completing of the production precess is more efficient.

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