goso goso, Suhardi M Anwar


Indonesian nation communities were identified as poor today are fishermen, where 14.58 million people or 90 percent of the 16.2 million the number of fishermen in Indonesia are below the poverty line. In the village Pongtap are 51 heads of families working as traditional fishermen classified into poor communities. This study aimed to determine the factors that cause and forms of poverty in the traditional fishing village Pongtap, with qualitative descriptive method using primary and secondary data. Primary data is done by distributing questionnaires, interviews and observations. Secondary data is done by collecting documents related to the research topic. The presence of economic institutions such as cooperatives has not been fully able to help improve the living standards of traditional fishermen. It is characterized by lack of access to traditional fishing toward these institutions in obtaining venture capital. Coupled with their income is erratic make fishermen dependent on the owners of capital are not only limited to the needs of venture capital and means of production, even up to the cost of the needs of everyday family life. The results of the study confirm the factors that influence the cause of the traditional fishing poverty slum cities, namely: the quality factor of human resources, economic factors, and institutional factors. Forms of poverty in urban slum communities are the natural and cultural Palopo.

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