Sukmawati Tono Palangngan, Eka Mulyaningsih


TOEFL stands for Test of English as a foreign Language. It is needed by students who want to continue their study to a higher level or as a requirement to get a certain job in the future. One type of test contained in the TOEFL test is listening. Unfortunately, most of the students of STIE Muhammadiyah Palopo have low ability in listening skill due to a lack of intensity in practicing listening skill. Therefore, the researchers introduced an online application that can be used as a supporting medium for students to improve their listening skills, namely Listen English Full Audio Application. This application can be downloaded for free via smartphone or android. So, they can use this application wherever and whenever they want. The research aims to determine whether Listen English Full Audio Application is a good supporting media in improving student listening skills. The method used is Quan-qual Method with quasi-experimental research, Regression discontinuity design. The population of the research was the first year students of STIE Muhammadiyah Palopo 2017/2018 academic year with a sample of 60 students as randomly chosen representatives. Based on the research result, Listen English Full Audio Application improves the students' listening skills so that it can be concluded this application can be recommended as a good supporting media in improving students’ listening skills.

Keywords: TOEFL, Listening skill, online learning media, Listen English Full Audio Application.

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