Nirfayanti Nirfayanti, Nurbaeti Nurbaeti


This study aims to describe the influence of google classroom learning on learning motivation Students Semester V of Mathematics Education Study Program FKIP Muslim University of Maros. The type of research used in this research was descriptive research with the design of One Shot Case Study. The subjects in this study were Semester V students who were programming the Real Analysis 1 Mathematics Education Study Program in the scope of 32 people in the FKIP of the Muslim University of Maros. The instrument that will be used in this study is in the form of learning outcomes tests and student learning motivation questionnaire sheets. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and to test hypotheses used t-test using SPSS for windows. The results showed that there was a significant effect of student learning motivation after applying google classroom learning. This is indicated by the value of tcount = 43.116 with a p-value = 0,000 <α = 0.05. In addition, the average score of student learning outcomes and the percentage of student response values amounted to 78.31 in the high category and 83.72% in the very good category.

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