Componential Analysis of English Address Forms. and Their Indonesian Equnalents (A Cross Cultural Approach to Communication)

Rustan A.


This study concerns with the use of English address forms and their
Indonesian equivalents. The data were obtained through introspection
of both languages, and taking notes of participant observations in
social communication. The results shows that: I) there are four kinds
of address forms: names, titles, kinship terms, and pronouns; 2) each
address forms of English has Indonesian equivalents; 3) the semantic
components emerge from each address form are gender, formality,
honor, and relative status; 4) the major dyadic patterns according in
high frequency in addressing someone are: the reciprocal exchange of
FN, the reciprocal exchange of TLN, the nonreciprocal pattern in
which one person uses FN and the other UN .

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