Pauline Destinugrainy Kasi, Sunarti Cambaba, Mirnasari Mirnasari


Human protein needs could be obtained from animal or vegetable. Sago grub (sago worm), a larva stage of Sago Palm Weevil (Rhyncophorus ferrigineus), has been usually consumed by local communities in Luwu Raya as protein source. The weevil larva hatch from eggs, the turn into first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth instar larval stage, before continued to pupa stage and at last as adult palm weevil. The objective of this research were to determine the average length and weight of sago grub in various instar larval stage, and to determine total protein content in various instar larval stage by using kjeldahl method. The results showed that the highest levels of total protein obtained at the third instar larval stage (12.04%) and the lowest in the first instar larval stage (8.02%). Total protein will be decline after the third instar larval stage for the proteins used for pupation in the process of metamorphosis.

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