rahman hairuddin, Mayasari Yamin, Sartia Hama


Onion is one of the featured vegetable crops that can not be substituted to function and contribute considerably against the economic development of the region. These commodities include annuals but the need for onion every year has increased. Thus, done the researchaim to obtain crops of onion (Allium cepa L.) high producing through conventional techniques, and obtain clones of onion (Allium cepa L.) that is capable of producing and productivity both on salinity and drought condition through plant tissue culture (modern). This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden and Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cokroaminoto Palopo University. Each of these methods using three-factor factorial design in a randomized block design. Development of onion on abiotic stresses done using conventional methods and modern. One of the increase in crop production is done through the implementation of cultivation techniques is the use of organic fertilizers can be derived from the dregs of sago and palm bunches that can improve the physical and biological properties of the soil. While through tissue culture techniques can improve the genetic diversity through somaclonal variant induction. Somaclonal variation proved able to acquire the plant variants with specific characteristics. Through this modern technique can be selected using selective media is NaCl and PEG 6000 to identify variants somaklonal tolerant to salinity and drought and to develop cultivars tolerant of abiotic stress conditions.

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