novi febrianti, Irfan Yunianto, Muhammad Ilham


Indonesia is a tropical country that has diversity of fruit. Fruit contain an array of antioxidant substances that give benefit for human health. This research purpose is to analyse the protective effect of antioxidant-rich tropical fruits juice on the lung of Wistar rats that exposed to cigarette smoke. Adult male Wistar rats (n 35) were divided into five groups of seven each, as follows: control group; cigarrette smoke group; cigarette strawbery,papaya juice; cigarette+strawbery,red guava juice; cigarette+strawbery, apple juice. Rats exposed to cigarette smoke 20 minutes/day for 40 days. Three ml of mixed fruit juice was given orally one hour after exposed. We analyse the structural damage of alveolus lumen and membrane, along with connection between alveolus. The results show that the structural damage of alveolus lumen and connection between alveolus of all fruit juice groups were significantly decrease (P<0,05) compared with cigarette smoke without fruit juice group. Strawbery & apple juice shows the best protective effect on the lung of Wistar rats that exposed to cigarette smoke.

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