The Using of SMS Gateway to Optimize Parents's Function for Watching The Level of Presence and Students's Score in Junior High School 4 and 6 Palopo South Sulawesi

Rusmala Rusmala, Hasbi Hasbi, Supriadi Supriadi, Nahrun Hartono


The role of technology in education is to convey information to students or parents. The current method to giving information still used the old ways, for example is using students reports cards. Other than that, for students who have problems in school, the teacher uses a way to send a letter to parents or in other way, teachers visited directly to the parents houses, so that information about the students in the school are not monitored properly. The utilization of SMS Gateway at school is the the way for the dissemination of information by using SMS. SMS Gateway connected directly to the database so it can spread the message quickly and automatically to hundreds of numbers. The solution proposed to partner is to build a system that can create a database of personal school especially database learners to a presence that can calculate (recap) Presence student attendance and grades are integrated with the device monitoring attendance and grades of students in school-based SMS, where the monitoring is the parents themselves through information delivered from the school by using SMS gateway. Overall this system helps the running of the educational system, by utilizing information technology and communication as a media liaison between parents and the school, which will greatly help keep the students to remain always guided toward positive activities and away from things that are destructive and direct them to become potential Human Resources for nation building.

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